Monday, September 23, 2013

A Week as a Seamstress

Ever since taking my Sewing 101 class at BYU, I have had absolutely NO desire to sew clothing again. It was complicated, frustrating and annoying. Sure it was satisfying once you finished a project that was made to fit you. But when you could spend the same money to get something similar at the store, the hours at the sewing machine just did not add up for me. Not to mention my talent is nowhere near my other friends who took the same class. Just look here. My friend Amy sews all of that, and even designs patterns for others to replicate her work for their own kids. A-Mazing!

 My sister-in-law Christina was in town with her family at the beginning of August. We let our husbands watch our kiddos while we went to the outlet mall here in Boise. We ended up in Carter's and we found the perfect dress for my niece Mariel. Only one problem: It was not made in her size. :( I think it was harder for me to leave that store with out that dress for her. I NEVER go to the girls side of the clothing stores. Leaves too much room to dream, when I'm perfectly happy with my little boys, lol. But that day I wanted that dress for her.

So my brain started turning and thinking. "Hey, I took a sewing class. I bet I could recreate that for her." So three fabric stores late I found a similar fabric, sketched out a pattern on gift wrapping tissue paper and began to sew that dress for Mariel.

Nearly finished I said to Brandon, "Do you think I should even add the sleeves? I think it's cute like this." (Hoping inside he'd say no, so I could avoid the hassle of sleeves.)

He liked the sleeves. And truth be told, so did I. I added the sleeves. I was surprised that it took only a week to get it all done. The biggest pain was not having my own serger and having to zig-zag stitch all the raw edges. But I think it was worth it.

I was immensely grateful for the praise from my mom, brother Roger, his wife Jamie, and my mother-in-law while I sewed the project. It helped me get past those I hate sewing clothing memories. And honestly it wasn't nearly as bad as sewing something for myself. Kids clothing is much easier. I think it came out as a success in the end. I wish I had pictures of my models, Ryan and Mason, who helped me with sizing the dress. I do however have a few pictures of the birthday girl who was happy to have a new dress.

And sewing it was definitely worth it for that smile. Happy Birthday Mariel!

My Newest Niece

My newest niece was born on the Fourth of July! I was very fortunate to meet her 8 days later and take some newborn pictures of her. She was literally the dream baby in terms of photography. Stay asleep. Let me pose her over and over without a fuss. And didn't mind the occasional outfit change. I can't believe she is now 2 months old!

Sad to admit that this is only a small sampling of all the pictures I did take. Hope you enjoyed this precious angel as much as I do!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A New Journey

I never thought this day would come so soon. That I would upgrade my camera. Two years ago I began my journey. Well really two years ago in April, when the idea of photography entered into my brain. Can I be honest and tell you why I wanted to get into the DSLR world? I was outraged by how much photos cost. Sitting fees? Printing costs? And the big Photo release? All could easily add up to well over $100 and that’s maybe for only 15-20 poses. I just couldn't justify those costs year after year. There had to be a better solution. So my search of cameras online began.

My first camera was worth the investment. It was the highest grade, by any means, but it was exactly what I needed to learn. It provided me with a hobby. Something I very much needed after leaving many of our friends in Provo and no longer working as a Hall Advisor at BYU. Numerous trips were made to the library and I began to understand more and more about my camera and photo composition. Even more articles were read online.

Months turned into years and I have grown to love my camera. I’ve grown to love photography. I love capturing those small moments so I can hold onto them forever. I’ve discovered some areas of photography I love much more than others. Child photography and portraits are easily my favorite. Family sessions the most stressful. Newborns a challenge, but so rewarding. Lifestyle photography is yet another that I want to continue to develop. If only our apartment had better natural light!

Soon I started noticing the limitations of my camera. I began to outgrow it.

But when it came time to sell it, I became suddenly emotional. This camera had become more than a tool to me. But in some ways, this camera had allowed me to express my inner self in ways I never thought possible. And yes, I feel like a complete dork writing this out. But my camera holds so many memories for me. It represents the beginning of my journey.

Needless to say I am so glad that it’s going to someone I know. Somehow I feel more at peace knowing it will be cared for, appreciated, and learned from again. And I hope their journey in photography will be as positive as mine has been.

The search for a new camera was a big decision and I changed my mind on a daily basis. But I ended with a semi-professional grade camera that will also allow me to captured videos and photos of my boys. Increasing very much in quality of camera, I hope it lasts me for at least the next five years, if not longer.

While I have done photos for people in the past, my main focus still is my boys. I want to remain a stay at home mom. I still get so much anxiety when I take pictures for friends, and that’s not something I like to inflict on myself on a regular basis. Maybe one day I can turn business mode, when my kids are older. And when my stomach can handle it. But for now I am just ready to experience my new journey that this camera holds. I hope I can meet the challenge and grow. And I hope it will be just as rewarding.