I called down the hallway to Brandon, "Honey, is it still okay if I go to that baby shower today". Ryan, my two year old son, then came running up the hall way, opened the bathroom, and said, "Baby, Baby Shower".
I loved it. I tried to explain that I wasn't going to give his baby brother a shower. But I gave up. The concept just didn't sink in. Instead I just enjoyed my cute little boy and how smart he really is.
Here are some pictures from the baby shower and beautiful Melissa. I can't believe she's 36 weeks along! She is still so small! She carries well! You're beautiful Melissa! Thanks for letting me share in this day! I'd love to take pictures of your sweet Kessie when she arrives!
Melissa also let us sneak upstairs to see Kessie's room. It was so precious! She's way more prepared than I was when I was pregnant with Ryan!
She made this cover herself! So talented!
Awwwww! So sad I missed it! Looks like fun!